Dear Shiva – How do i become very famous?

Dear Shiva – How do i become very famous?

Dear Shiva I am a young Deity and one day hope to be as famous as you are. How can i get more followers in the shortest amount of time? Love your work. Aminon Dear Aminon, thank you for your kind words. I am one of the primary forms of the Ultimate Godhead. You know...
Dear Shiva – How do i become very famous?

Dear Shiva – Is it Karl?

Dear Shiva I recently visited a pychic who told me i would meet a tall, dark and handsome man before the end of the year and that we would travel together. I have met many men since then that fit the description but how will i know which one she was talking about? Is...
Dear Shiva – How do i become very famous?

Dear Shiva – Should I do murder?

Dear Shiva, My husband of 16 years has always treated me with love and respect but last week he left the toilet seat up, should I add small amount of arsenic to his meals until he dies?  Patricia, Darwin Patricia, murder is rarely the solution to ones problems and I...
Dear Shiva – How do i become very famous?

Dear Shiva – Dichotomy dilemma

Dear Shiva, How do you reconcile the dichotomy of living for the moment with the adage that in order to accumulate wealth one must put off gratification? Timmy, Bassendean Good question Timmy, the willpower to resist a smaller but more immediate reward in order to...
Dear Shiva – How do i become very famous?

Dear Shiva – My cat licks a stapler?

Dear Shiva, Every morning when i eat my toast, the cat stares at me and furiously licks a stapler. He stops the moment I finish and goes about his day. It is very unsettling. Please help me Shiva, it is freaking me out! Stacey, Launceston Stacey, I have consulted my...
Dear Shiva – How do i become very famous?

Dear Shiva – Shampoo?

Dear Shiva, I recently found myself naked and dancing alone in an abandoned ballroom while a Spanish flamenco dancer wept uncontrollably in a corner.  I have no memory of how I ended up in this position. Should I change my shampoo brand? Marnie, Newtown. Marnie, If...